Are Golden Platter Gluten Free Chicken Tenders any good?
Yes! These are a wallet friendly chicken tender that can be ready to eat in just minutes. Perfect when you’re in a rush or having a random fast food craving at home.
When my wife saw me unpacking these chicken tenders from a recent grocery delivery order, she looked at me with a mix of pity and resignation. Why she probably thought, has my middle aged husband started buying chicken nuggets bedecked with super heroes.
In fairness, when I added this product to my shopping cart during a Walmart online order – Spider Man was nowhere to be seen; the packaged was considerably more grown up. In my defense I was equally surprised to see Spidey looking back at me when I opened the bag. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.
I picked these tenders on a whim due to the packages labelling. While I’m not gluten intolerant, the GF labelling and overall healthier presentation made these appear to be worth a look in.
Anyway, how do these tenders stack up? Pretty darn good actually. Let’s be clear, these are highly processed like most other freezer tenders/nuggets (see picture below) – these are not unadulterated pieces of real chicken by any stretch of the imagination.
They do have a certain appeal though, at least personally speaking. I find they remind me of certain fast food brands, which again personally speaking – sometimes I just want something junky and quick. Sometimes I make my own tenders with fresh chicken and panko breadcrumbs and they’re amazing – sometimes I want processed food stat. These definitely scratch that itch.
Golden Platter Gluten Free Chicken Tenders – what’s in the bag?
As you can see, you get a considerable number of tenders in one package, enough for quite a few quick dinners or lunches.
Golden Platter Gluten Free Chicken Tenders
Here’s the final product cooked and closed up:
Golden Platter Gluten Free Chicken Tenders nutrition, cooking instructions
I’ve only ever used the microwave method to prepare these chicken tenders; because damnit, when I want a chicken tender – I want it now. That said, the 11 minute oven baking time isn’t that onerous.
For a highly processed product I think the nutrition of these tenders is pretty good. The sodium and fat levels are relatively restrained if eaten in general moderation. I’m sure you’ve seen tenders and nuggets far worse than these.
How much do Golden Platter Gluten Free Chicken Tenders cost?
I paid $5.46 for this 18 ounce package of tenders in March 2019. Given the nutrition, the ease of cooking and the number of tenders I think six bucks and under is a great deal.
Hi, I’m Stuart, nice to meet you! I’m the founder, writer and wrangler at Gastronomic SLC – Utah’s biggest and oldest online food magazine; I’m also a former restaurant critic of more than five years, working for the Salt Lake Tribune. I’ve worked extensively with multiple local publications from Visit Salt Lake to Salt Lake Magazine, not least helped to consult on national TV shows.
I’m a multiple-award winning journalist and have covered the Utah dining scene for the better part of fifteen years. I’m largely fueled by a critical obsession with rice, alliteration and the use of big words I don’t understand. I started Shop Smart to catalogue my adventures in the grocery store and kitchen. Follow along on Instagram too!