Delimex Beef Taquitos review

More than two dozen tightly packed taquitos come stashed in this box. Inside the box is a non resealable plastic pack. From there, you can enjoy taquitos in no time at all.

Cooking: Microwave or bake, but don’t lie. You’re not going to go to the effort of heating them in the oven are you? These are meant for instant-gratification snacking. Microwave to mouth in barely more than 60 seconds.

Taste and texture: Out of the microwave they’re understandably mushy, limp and languid. The air fryer is faster and better than the oven, but again, I can’t imagine anyone is buying these with patient cooking in mind.

Inside the yellowed shell the filling is kinda scant. The flavor is predominantly salt and corn masa, the beef is really a supporting actor here.

Overall: Fine for snacking but nothing really noteworthy or exciting. I finished the pack, because hey, there they were in the freezer on hand whenever I felt peckish. When they were gone though, would I replace them with more? Not yet…

Delimex Beef Taquitos nutrition and cooking

  • Overall

Are Delimex Beef Taquitos any good?

While they absolutely fill that grab and go 90 second snack requirement – there’s nothing really noteworthy here. The filling is minimal and ultimately the flavor is one of the corn masa casing.

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