Dinner ideas

Stuck for what to make for dinner tonight? Shopping online and wondering what to put in the cart for the weeks groceries? Stuck in a rut and want to try something new? Look no further, try our…

These are anything but typical recipes. We can’t stand those damned things. You won’t find page after page after page of pretty pictures. You won’t find 10,000 word epics on how a dish changed your life and your marriage. No dish here will change your life or marriage. Probably. 

We won’t hide the goddamn details you want after four hours of scrolling and you won’t need to click through multiple pages of preamble. The posts aren’t ginormous monsters that will cause your computer to sigh and die under the weight of all the pomp. What you will find here are very simple ideas for your grocery list. These ideas should hopefully serve as jumping off points for your own cooking inspiration. 

Or, check out what we’re putting in our grocery cart right. Check out out

We’re constantly rummaging through every shelf in the store so you don’t have to. Vegan products, junky frozen stuff, sauces, frozen, canned goods – you name it.